By: Nick Liard

Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne made a stop in Sudbury yesterday visiting a few city locations including Health Sciences North.

The NEO Kids Foundation is currently raising funds to build a stand-alone facility at HSN.

Wynne wouldn’t commit to any funds but having her see the current facility is a step.

When asked when the facility could move forward, Wynne stated it would be premature to put a date on anything, but a foundation has been built, there is a planning process, and having seen NEO Kids, she would be supportive of the work Glenn(Thibeault) is doing at Queen’s Park

Sudbury MPP Glenn Thibeault says he is currently working in the early stages with the Ministry of Health on the project.

Wynne then spoke at a Chamber event where audience members had a chance to ask her questions.

One question was if she thought there would be shovels in the ground on the Ring of Fire before the 2018 election.

Wynne says the objective is to get started within the next year and getting shovels in the ground on a transportation corridor is a fundamental aspect of that.

Filed under: hsn, local-news, neo-kids, premier-kathleen-wynne, ring-of-fire, sudbury