By: Nick Liard

The case against Gerry Lougheed Jr. and Pat Sorbara has been remanded to December 14th.

Both Lougheed and Sorbara face bribery charges under the Election Act for their involvement in the Sudbury by-election scandal.

Vern Brewer with the Federal Crowns Office says they asked for the case to be moved before a judge because to his knowledge, this is the first case of it’s kind in the country.

The later date was also to give time to the defense counsel to review material, after the Crown made disclosure.

Neither Sorbara or Lougheed were present for the first appearance.

Sudbury MPP and Minister of Energy Glenn Thibeault was also a part of the discussion at the first appearance of Lougheed and Sorbara.

Brewer talked about why his name was brought into the investigation in the first place saying their allegation is that Thibeault sought certain benefits, offers, jobs or employment as part of his condition to run as an MPP.

Brewer says he is not charged because the section of the Election Act makes it an offense to offer a bribe not necessarily to accept one.

Thibeault has maintained through the process that he did not accept anything to switch from the Federal NDP’s to run for the Liberals provincially in the Sudbury by-election.

Filed under: charges, city-hall, first-appearance, gerry-lougheed-jr, local-news, news, OPP, pat-sorbara, provincial-court, sudbury, sudbury-by-election