Ready to feel old? Nirvana’s Nevermind album turns 30 years old in just a couple months. I know, where does the time go? They grow up so fast! The naked baby swimming after a dollar bill on a fish hook from the album art has gotta be a naked grown man by now, swimming after a… I don’t know, mortage on a fish hook? This analogy really got away from me. Anyway. To mark the occasion (and the alarmingly rapid passage of time) Fender is bringing back the guitar that Kurt Cobain helped design — the Fender Jag-Stang.


If you’re familiar with some of Fender’s most well known models, that name might sound familiar to you. The Jag-Stang is a blend of the best of both worlds from the Fender Jaguar and the Fender Mustang, both of which were models Cobain was fond of. Despite being the idea-man behind the creation of the Jag-Stang, Cobain only played it a handful of times before his passing and never used it to record. Here’s some footage of one of the rare occasions that he got the chance to play the guitar in concert.



If you want to get your hands on a Jag-Stang of your own, Fender plans on releasing it this October, just a little late for the 30th anniversary of Nevermind on September 24th. You can find more details about it here.