The story of Queen Anna of the Disney movie Frozen visiting a little girl named Tiffany here in Sudbury who was having trouble understanding why she couldn’t visit her friends or go to school right now, has gone VIRAL.  Check out that interview we did with Tiffany and her parents yesterday along with the amazing video of the actual parking lot/apartment balcony at Today, we’d like you to meet Anna…played by Sudbury performer Kass Taylor.

Kass Taylor will be hosting free ‘Princess Academy’ live streams on her Facebook Page for kids all around! There will be episodes of Sing-Alongs, Stories, DIY crafts (like making your own princess crown from home) and even how to braid your hair like Elsa!

Sudbury’s Kass Taylor, aka Anna from the Disney movie Frozen.

Filed under: #mellandchris #927rock, Anna, COVID19, Disney, Frozen, good-deed, isolation, Tiffany