We’ve all had the odd night when sleeps seems to elude us. Can’t seem to shut the brain down and relax. Maybe anxiety is at the root or maybe we’re just busy and are making lists in our heads. One thing we do know is good sleep is the key to having a good, healthy day.
We contacted Meghan Bonhomme again this week for tips on getting to sleep and having quality shuteye.
You’ll remember Meghan from our breathe-along last Friday. She is a Mindfulness + Mindset coach, professor, and entrepreneur dedicated to sharing the power of self care and self love through her company Lovely Human School. Meghan, the self-care queen, also teaches Yoga and Myoga in Sudbury. Here’s the chat we had about elusive sleep.

~Mell & Chris~

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, Rogers’ President of Media, Jordan Banks, holds regular Skype meetings to check on the wellness of everyone on our team and to offer tips and suggestions to staying productive and healthy during these uncertain times. He is a big proponent of sleep and has done loads of research on it. Here are some of the books he suggested to us.

Why We Sleep by Matt Walker
The Sleep Revolution by Arianna Huffington

Filed under: #mellandchris, anxiety, breathing, COVID19, healthy, sleepwell