So I went to work today, in my living room. I’m broadcasting from home for a while as I self-isolate in the midst of this COVID-19 pandemic. Don’t worry…I’m okay…just a nagging cough and Chris and Nick giving me stink-eye.
I know many of you are working from home and while it initially sounds great, there are challenges. I had full intentions of keeping to my “normal” work schedule. So I blew that theory before I even got out of bed…turned off my alarm and slept in. No shower but I did do my hair and makeup. I also did not dress like I was going in to the studio…leggings and a hoodie and yesterday’s socks.
I like my little space here but I really miss Chris in person. We face time for the whole show so we have that interaction. We still have a few technical issues to figure out but the first morning went pretty well.
Here’s a little tour of my home-isolation broadcast set-up.
Home studio video

We added a game this morning. Impossible Trivia is something you can just listen to and play along or try to call 705-677-2576 to guess the answer. Today’s question was 33% of children will not eat one of these…what is it? All kinds of vegetable suggestions like brussell sprouts and asparagus. The answer is mushrooms! My 20-year old daughter still will not touch them and leaves the house when I’m cooking with them.
Okay, so that’s it for today, but check back tomorrow. Have a fantastic day and choose to be positive!

Filed under: #mellandchris, COVID19, radioshowfromhome, self-isolation, workingfromhome