By: Nick Liard

The federal government is pumping $870,000 into local arts and cultural groups.

The money will support 13 Sudbury-based organizations including over $204,000 for Theatre du Nouvel Ontario and $225,000 for Carrefour francophone de Sudbury.

Sudbury MP Paul Lefebvre says this money will provide much needed stable funding.

Other recipients include River and Sky Music Festival, Theatre Cambrian, Science North, Galerie du Nouvel-Ontario, centres d’artistes, Concerts La Nuit sur l’etang, Association canadienne-francaise de l’Ontario, Salon du livre du Grand Sudbury, Pat the Dog Theatre Creation, N’Swakamok Native Friendship Centre and Centre de sante communautaire du Grand Sudbury.

Filed under: arts-and-culture, federal-government, funding, local-news, paul-lefebvre, sudbury