LU Sept 23 Fed_Prov announcement
From left to right: Jennifer Witty, Chair of the Board of Governors at Laurentian University,Members of Parliament Marc Serré and Paul Lefebvre, Deputy Premier Deb Matthews, Energy Minister and Sudbury Member of Provincial Parliament Glenn Thibeault, Dominic Giroux, President and Vice-Chancellor Laurentian University. Photo provide by Laurentian University


By: Nick Liard

Another major funding announcement came to Laurentian University as over 27 million dollars will help support a 60 million dollar Research, Innovation and Engineering Centre (RIE Centre).

Laurentian University President, Dominic Giroux says the proposal for the building came together quite quick but it was supported unanimously for what it will do.

Ontario’s Advanced Education and Skills Development Minister, Deb Matthews says the funding is not the important part, what makes it successful is the people who use it.

Sudbury MPP Glenn Thibeault says these continued investments show that Laurentian is one of the top schools for research and innovation.

The centre will be attached to the Fraser building and feature an innovation space for NORCAT, material analysis lab, hydraulics and fluid mechanics lab and more.

The 27 million will come from both the provincial and federal government, just weeks after Laurentian received over 100 million dollars for its Metal Earth project.

The province provided 6.3 million while the feds gave 21.1 million.

Construction is expected to be completed by March 2018.


Filed under: federal-government, investment, laurentian-university, local-news, norcat, province, provincial-government, research, rie-centre, sudbury