By Stew Kernan

Premier Kathleen Wynne kicked-off her week long tour of Northern Ontario with an investment in Sudbury’s film and T-V industry.

On Saturday, the Premier announced $2.3-million for five projects to be filmed in Sudbury including a documentary, two made for t-v films, a children’s t-v series and an adult comedy series.

They include the critically acclaimed comedy series Letterkenny, Game Changers, a documentary about game shows hosted and narrated by Sudbury-born Alex Trebek; two made-for-TV films, A Perfect Christmas and Love’s Complicated; and Amélie et compagnie, a French-language children’s TV series.

Wynne says the government wants to ensure the industry continues to thrive.

The Premier continued her tour Sunday in Espanola to announce the Regional Hospital there has been chosen to take part in a $2.5 million, three year pilot project to improve rural health care.

Filed under: film, hanmer, kathleen-wynne, local-news, premier, t-v