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Shocking news form the world of rock this morning. David Bowie is dead. The rock legend died yesterday after battling cancer in secret for 18 months.

Bowie was among the primary innovators and showmen of rock ‘n’ roll for four decades. He didn’t just push the envelope. He often manufactured the envelope itself, with such creations as glam rock and Ziggy Stardust, and of course, the Thin White Duke. Bowie came to fame with “Space Oddity” in 1969, making Major Tom a household name.

Tributes began pouring in last night from everyone from Kanye West to the Prime Minister of the U.K. Bowie just released his 25th studio album, “Blackstar,” to strong reviews on Friday, on his 69th birthday. Bowie was inducted into the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame in 1996. David Bowie dead this morning at the age of 69.