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By: Nick Liard

The final numbers are in for Project 6 Million and city staff has not only found six million dollars in savings but have come up with a little extra.

By way of P6M staff was ordered to find the savings due to the 2015 municipal tax freeze, so they opened up suggestions to the public, staff and council, and announced yesterday that they found 6,065,359.

For Mayor Brian Bigger this bodes well for the future as the savings are permanent.

Bigger was elected on a promise of a zero percent tax increase and was pleased with the results.

Bigger did not have any predictions on the 2016 municipal taxes only that they may look to do similar public input sessions like P6M in the future.

Of the over 6 million 3.9 came from attrition, 1.25 from management savings, 600 thousand from water/wastewater reductions and over 400 thousand in savings approved last night.

Those included items like a rise in parking fines, elimination of two hour free parking at the Beech Street lot, removal of printed city guide and more.