
By Angela Gemmill

In seven years the Joan Mantle Music Trust has helped raised $180,000, which translates into hundreds of new instruments for students in the Rainbow District School Board.

The most recent allocation of the funding will go to the music programs at Lockerby Composite, Lo-Ellen Park Secondary and Manitoulin Secondary Schools, as well as Barrydowne College.

Joan’s daughter, Leslie Mantle, who is also Vice Principal of Lively District Secondary School, says her mother would have loved that her gift of music continues to be shared.

She says music is a universal language that inspires joy while learning a skill.

Every year the Trust provides $3,000 to four different high schools for their respective music programs.

The money helps recipient schools replacing aging musical instruments.

Barrydowne College Music Teacher, Stephanie Tagliabracci says that’s especially helpful for her students.

When the now five-year-old school got its first allocation a few years ago it was able to start up the music program buying guiatars and pianos.

Tabliabracci says this time they’ll be able to use the funds for instruments they don’t have yet.

Bela Ravi, from the Trust’s Steering Committee, says Sudbury is a giving community when it comes to supporting musical education programs.

She helps plan the International Dinner held every April to help raise money for the Trust.